Reports & Chapters
‘Sudan: Conflict Drives Mass Refugee Movement and Fuels Human Smuggling,’ Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (October 2024). Written with Emadeddine Badi. Available here.
‘The Burners: Smuggling Networks and Maghrebi Irregular Migrants in North Africa,’ in Global Human Smuggling: Creativity, Control, and Complexity in Unauthorized Mobility, Edited by Luigi Achilli and David Kyle (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2023).
‘Fragile States and Resilient Criminal Ecosystems - Human Smuggling and Trafficking Trends in North Africa and the Sahel,’ The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (August 2022). Written with Mark Micallef. Available here.
‘Tunisia - Growing Irregular Migration Flows Amid Worsening Political Fragility,’ Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (July 2022). Available here.
‘Losing hope: Why Tunisians are leading the surge in irregular migration to Europe,’ Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (January 2022). Available here.
‘Conflict, Coping and Covid: Changing human smuggling and trafficking dynamics in North Africa and the Sahel in 2019 and 2020,’ Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (May 2021). Available here.
‘Just Across the Sea: The Changing Politics of Irregular Migration from and through Morocco and Tunisia,’ in Mediterranean Challenge: What pushes people from Africa northwards, Edited by Stefano Torelli, Reset Dialogues on Civilizations (November 2019). Available here.
‘‘La Mal Vie’: The Routes, Drivers, and Politics of North African Irregular Migration,’ Institute for Security Studies (May 2019). Available here.
‘At the Edge: Trends and Routes of North African Clandestine Migrants,’ Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime and Institute for Security Studies (November 2016). Available here.
‘Breaking the cycle The GI-TOC addresses extortion at International Migration Review Forum Multistakeholder Hearing,’ Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (May 2022).
‘Maghrebi irregular migration is down but for how long?’ ISS Today, Institute for Security Studies (November 2019).
‘Morality should drive Europe’s new migration policies with Africa,’ ISS Today, Institute for Security Studies. Co-authored with Clare Profous (August 2019).
‘Changing the migration horizon from North Africa to Europe,’ ISS Today, Institute for Security Studies (August 2019).
‘Social media bridges North Africa’s divides to facilitate migration,’ ISS Today, Institute for Security Studies. Co-authored with Amine Ghoulidi (March 2019).
‘Algeria’s protests and migration: the fearmongers have it wrong,’ ISS Today, Institute for Security Studies. Co-authored with Sofian Philip Naceur (March 2019).
‘The Maghreb’s Changing Politics of Migration,’ ISS Today, Institute for Security Studies (February 2019).
‘Tunisia isn’t a migrant transit country – yet,’ ISS Today, Institute for Security Studies. Co-authored with Max Gallien (August 2018).
‘Out of the Streets and Into the Boats: Tunisia’s Irregular Migration Surge,’ MENASource, The Atlantic Council. Co-authored with Max Gallien (November 2017).
‘Italy claims it’s found a solution to Europe’s migrant problem. Here’s why Italy’s wrong,’ The Monkey Cage, Washington Post. Co-authored with Jalel Harchaoui (September 2017).
Podcasts & Videos
‘Changing human smuggling and trafficking dynamics in North Africa and the Sahel in 2019 and 2020,’ The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (May 2021).
‘Tunisia: Political Unrest and the Illicit Economy,’ on Africa and the Global Illicit Economy, The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (February 2021).
‘Moving Beyond Pandemic: Human Smuggling in an Age of Pandemic,’ From Migration Policy Institute (October 2020).
‘Social Media and Irregular Migration from Maghreb,’ On Africa and the Global Illicit Economy, The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (August 2020).
‘Human Smuggling, Drug Trafficking & COVID-19 in North Africa & the Sahel,’ on Africa and the Global Illicit Economy, The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (June 2020).